A sample command-line application with an entrypoint in bin/, library code in lib/, and example unit test in test/. A command-line utility for Dart development.

Usage: dart <command|dart-file> [arguments]

Global options: -h, --help Print this usage information. -v, --verbose Show additional command output. --version Print the Dart SDK version. --enable-analytics Enable analytics. --disable-analytics Disable analytics.

Available commands: analyze Analyze Dart code in a directory. compile Compile Dart to various formats. create Create a new Dart project. devtools Open DevTools (optionally connecting to an existing application). doc Generate API documentation for Dart projects. fix Apply automated fixes to Dart source code. format Idiomatically format Dart source code. info Show diagnostic information about the installed tooling. migrate Perform null safety migration on a project. pub Work with packages. run Run a Dart program. test Run tests for a project.

Run "dart help " for more information about a command. See https://dart.dev/tools/dart-tool for detailed documentation.