
This repository contains IPython notebooks that I have written.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This repository contains code of Ipython notebooks which I have written.

NOTE - [From May 7, 2015 IPython notebooks (.ipynb) files render directly on GitHub. There is no need to use nbviewer to view these notebooks. Simply use GitHub to view them.] (https://github.com/blog/1995-github-jupyter-notebooks-3)

List of IPython notebooks

Computer Vision

  1. Face Detection
  2. HSV Thresholding
  3. Adaptive Thresholding
  4. Connected Components using RGB values
  5. Template Matching
  6. Texture Matching using Uniform Local Binary Patterns
  7. Displaying Video in IPython Notebook
  8. Harris Corner Detector from scratch
  9. Sift Descriptor from Scratch
  10. Image Blending using Gaussian Pyramids
  11. Box Filtering using Integral Image
  12. RANSAC

Machine Learning

  1. Digit Recognition using nolearn
  2. Cross validation in scikit-learn
  3. Pipelining is scikit-learn
  4. Linear Regression using Theano from scratch
  5. Logistic Regression using Theano from scratch
  6. Artifical Neutal Network from scratch
  7. Naive Bayes on MNIST dataset
  8. Naive Bayes from scratch
  9. Linear SVM using Gradien Descent
  10. Monte Carlo Sampling
  11. Gaussian Regression

Probabilistic Robotics

  1. 1D Linear Kalman Filter
  2. Metropolis Hastings Algorithm