
Euclid Extended Algorithm Plutus Smart Contract

Primary LanguageHaskell

Plutus smart contract: Bet on euclid's algorithm

The program checks wether the result of the extended euclid algorithm is correct given two initial values a and b. The validator runs True if the redeemer (the bet) is a result of type (r,s,t) such that satifies (r,s,t) == gdc(a,b) and otherwise False The values a and b are the input values of the function gdc which according to the requirement of the alogrithm both must follow the conditions of a > b and b > 0. The r value is the result (greatest common divisor) and s,t are the quofitients.


  • app: Plutus smart contract folder.
  • contractdata: Compilation, datum and redeemer files.
  • scripts: bash scripts to deploy and spend the contract.
  • test: testing files.
  • utilities: module to convert and serialice plutus data.

Build, execution and tests.

# Build
cabal update
cabal build

# Compile the smart contract
cabal exec euclid-contract

# Testing
cabal test euclid-testing