
POD TP 2 - Hazelcast

Distributed Processing with MapReduce for airports information.


  1. Running on Linux or OSX.
  2. Having maven installed.
  3. Having Java 8 or later versions.


  1. cd to folder containing .tar.gz
  2. tar -xvf POD_TPE2_G12.tar.gz
  3. cd hazelcastMapReduce
  4. mvn clean install -DskipTests=true

Running from source code

After executing mvn clean install -DskipTests=true on the same directory:

Running server

Run with CWD in root folder

  1. cd server/target
  2. tar -xvf hazelcastMapReduce-server-1.0-SNAPSHOT-bin.tar.gz
  3. cd hazelcastMapReduce-server-1.0-SNAPSHOT
  4. chmod u+x *.sh
  5. check that hazelcast.xml configuraion of network > interfaces > interface pattern matches your network by default is set to ips of type 10.xx.xx.xx
  6. bash ./run-server.sh

Running client

Query 1

Run with CWD in root folder

  1. cd client/target/
  2. tar -xvf hazelcastMapReduce-client-1.0-SNAPSHOT-bin.tar.gz
  3. cd hazelcastMapReduce-client-1.0-SNAPSHOT
  4. chmod u+x query*
  5. bash ./query1 -Daddresses='xx.xx.xx.xx:XXXX;yy.yy.yy.yy:YYYY' -DinPath=XX -DoutPath=YY

Where addresses is a list of ip (xx.xx.xx.xx) and port (XXXX). inPath is a path to the folder containing "aeropuetos.csv" and "movimientos.csv". outPath is a path to the folder where the file "query1.csv" and "query1.txt" are going to be created.

Query 2

Run with CWD in root folder

  1. cd client/target/
  2. tar -xvf hazelcastMapReduce-client-1.0-SNAPSHOT-bin.tar.gz
  3. cd hazelcastMapReduce-client-1.0-SNAPSHOT
  4. chmod u+x query*
  5. bash ./query2 -Daddresses='xx.xx.xx.xx:XXXX;yy.yy.yy.yy:YYYY' -DinPath=XX -DoutPath=YY -Dn=N

Where addresses is a list of ip (xx.xx.xx.xx) and port (XXXX). inPath is a path to the folder containing "aeropuetos.csv" and "movimientos.csv". outPath is a path to the folder where the file "query2.csv" and "query2.txt" are going to be created. n is the quantity of airlines

Query 3

Run with CWD in root folder

  1. cd client/target/
  2. tar -xvf hazelcastMapReduce-client-1.0-SNAPSHOT-bin.tar.gz
  3. cd hazelcastMapReduce-client-1.0-SNAPSHOT
  4. chmod u+x query*
  5. bash ./query3 -Daddresses='xx.xx.xx.xx:XXXX;yy.yy.yy.yy:YYYY' -DinPath=XX -DoutPath=YY

Where addresses is a list of ip (xx.xx.xx.xx) and port (XXXX). inPath is a path to the folder containing "aeropuetos.csv" and "movimientos.csv". outPath is a path to the folder where the file "query3.csv" and "query3.txt" are going to be created.

Query 4

Run with CWD in root folder

  1. cd client/target/
  2. tar -xvf hazelcastMapReduce-client-1.0-SNAPSHOT-bin.tar.gz
  3. cd hazelcastMapReduce-client-1.0-SNAPSHOT
  4. chmod u+x query*
  5. bash ./query4 -Daddresses='xx.xx.xx.xx:XXXX;yy.yy.yy.yy:YYYY' -DinPath=XX -DoutPath=YY -Doaci=CODE -Dn=N

Where addresses is a list of ip (xx.xx.xx.xx) and port (XXXX). inPath is a path to the folder containing "aeropuetos.csv" and "movimientos.csv". outPath is a path to the folder where the file "query4.csv" and "query4.txt" are going to be created. oaci is the oaci code of the airport that the movement starts in. n is the number of airporst in the answer.