My first ever "Hello world" for the Game Boy Advance 👾
It displays three pixels (RGB) on the console screen.
This respository already contains the compiled ROM (.gba) file.
I recommend to open it with your favourite GBA emulator. I use VisualBoy Advance for MacOS.
"The hardest part is getting started"
- Install devkitPRO's pacman.
DevkitPRO's pacman is a package manager just like any other but built exclusively for retro gaming development built by the devkitPRO team.
- Install the GBA rules with pacman.
Once pacman is intalled you can run the following command:
$ sudo dkp-pacman -S gba-dev
- Run the Makefile
Run the following command at the root folder of this repo and it will compile the .gba rom file.
$ make
For windows you can check out the oficial devkitPRO documentation (sorry)