
My first ever "Hello world" for the Game Boy Advance :) It displays three pixels (R, G, B) on the console screen.

Primary LanguageMakefileMIT LicenseMIT


My first ever "Hello world" for the Game Boy Advance 👾

It displays three pixels (RGB) on the console screen.


This respository already contains the compiled ROM (.gba) file.

I recommend to open it with your favourite GBA emulator. I use VisualBoy Advance for MacOS.


"The hardest part is getting started"

  1. Install devkitPRO's pacman.

DevkitPRO's pacman is a package manager just like any other but built exclusively for retro gaming development built by the devkitPRO team.

  1. Install the GBA rules with pacman.

Once pacman is intalled you can run the following command:

$ sudo dkp-pacman -S gba-dev
  1. Run the Makefile

Run the following command at the root folder of this repo and it will compile the .gba rom file.

$ make

For windows you can check out the oficial devkitPRO documentation (sorry)
