
Automatically generate .srt subtitle file for video utilizing ffmpeg silence detection

Primary LanguageTypeScript

__     ___    ____
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 \ \ / / _ \ \___ \
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   \_/_/   \_\____/

Video Auto Subtitle (VAS)

VAS helps to automatically generate .srt subtitle file for video, so you can further adjust and edit it.

⚠️ Just use whisper!!!, this repo is depecated and will soon be archived.

🤔 The status quo working principle

Utilize ffmpeg silence detection to get silence parts, then use sed and awk to extract text data, then nodejs process these data and write a .srt file for your further customization.

🛠 How to use

Make sure you have ffmpeg, sed, awk and nodejs installed. Clone this repo, run

node dist/index.js -h 

to see the help.

Some examples are like:

node dist/index.js -v video.mp4

then wait some time (very likely not a short time with intensive cpu consumption, largely due to ffmpeg) and you'll see output.srt under the directory.

🧰 Options

-v: video name
-f: srt file name, without .srt
-s: sound threshold, like '-30dB', '-20dB', note the uppercase B
-d: silence duration threshold, in second, like '0.2', '0.3'
--debug: debug mode, output middle information into debug.info file

❓What next?

  • make webpage and provide web-based services without burdens of commandline