An individual who's heavily interested in data science and is currently exploring the beauty that lies behind it.
Saudi Arabia , Riyadh / Almadinah
AhadAl977's Stars
The company will utilize this data to know the best stations, times and days to introduce or advertise its products profit for the company.
This project aims to find which variables are significant in predicting the price of a diamonds and Build a model to predict the diamonds price then Choose the model that give us the best predict.
The goal of this project is to predict the perpetrator's relationship with the victim, by using Classification as a part of machine learning.
This project focuses on the analysis of song lyrics to get the under meaning of each genre using Natrual Langauge Processing and Clustering as part of machine learning algorithms.
Web scraping and linear regressions on Formula 1 data to predict the duration of completion the race for each player participated in the race, and the number of laps.
Supervised Machine Learning with a Categorical Target (predicting credit card fraud)
Exploratory Data Analysis project making use of SQLite, Python, Pandas, Numpy, matplotlib, and seaborn.