
Problem 1:

To find all the anagrams and group them


  • I first tried the brute force algorithm with about O(n^2) complexity which felt like it could use some adjustments
  • Next, I tried hashing the words to make the anagrams easier to compare, this method worked
  • Converted the frequency list to a string and used that to hash the words
  • This solution works in about O(n) time considering that the words are hashed in almost constant time due to their small size


  • The time complexity of the first solution was not good enough
  • The hashing function to be used was slightly confusing at first

Problem 2:

To manipulate videos using open cv


  • First, I looked up any pre existing tutorials on the topic to realise none exist in the form needed
  • Then I tried to understand how to read, write and manipulate video streams in cv2
  • Then I sat down and brainstormed how to sample the frames to maintain the time of the video (screenshot available below)
  • After some tinkering, I was able to implement the sampling technique (for x frames in the source whose duration exceeds the duration of the corresponding frame in the target, sample the topmost frame from the source)
  • Adding text and converting to greyscale were relatively simple tasks


  • The first and biggest challenge for me was to figure out the sampling technique to maintain the time of the video
  • The second challenge I ran into was the target video file being empty, the image when converted to Greyscale no longer had BGR values, insted it had a single value, so I had to convert the image back into BGR format for the frame to be written to target file
  • The last challenge was verifying the results which I was able to solve pretty quickly

Screenshot of the thought process that I went through for the second problem statement working

Problem 3:

To extract text from image and draw bounding box around it


  • First, install pyTesseract
  • Then I experimented with different modes and different configurations to finally figure out that there are 2 modes which can be used togethter to get maximum text
  • Run the OCR module on the image twice to get both vertical and horizontal text
  • Plot the boxes on the image and the text. I also added in a confidence percentage to be able to better understand what is going on under the hood and how to optimise it
  • Plot the image to the output in colab
  • I additionally went ahead and configured a few more languages to see if the kannada text could be better read but that did not yield any result


  • Installation of pyTesseract took me some time, especially figuring out why it was not working but thankfully, there were a few helpful posts on stack overflow
  • With any given mode only about 50% of the text was read and had terrible accuracy, so I had to combine 2 modes and filter by the confidence level to get better results

The two selected modes, mode 5 for vertical text: image mode 11 for horizontal sparse text: image

Imporovements I'd like to make:

  • For the second problem statement, I'd like to interpolate the images in such a way that even the skipped frames can add some presence to the target frame by means of projection to the un skipped frame
  • For the third problem, I'd like to experiment a bit more with the OCR configurations, I have gone over a lot of the suggested parameters but it still fails on some images and I'd like to look into other parameters to try and improve on that

Why me?

  • I was able to complete this assignment in under 7 hours, this is the kind of energy that I bring to the table
  • I am a frequent contributor on GitHub and have many contributions to my own repositories, others repositories and even some open source projects
  • I like learning new tech and almost always like to experiment with new languages, libraries and frameworks
  • I want to try and apply some of my skills in real world applications and see where I stand
  • I really like the company ethos and I think I will be able to blend well

Either ways, thanks for the opportunity.