
typescript support for suphi's dataStore module

Primary LanguageLuaBSD Zero Clause License0BSD


Before I start, this is not mine but Suphi#3388 module, I got permission to put this up in github. Here is the discord: https://discord.gg/B3zmjPVBce

More Details on How to Use

  1. Basics
  2. Advanced
  3. Extras
  4. DataStore2 vs ProfileService vs Suphi's DataStore


  • Session locking Prevents multiple servers from opening the same datastore key
  • Cross Server Communication Easily use MemoryStoreQueue to send data to the session owner
  • Auto save Automatically saves cached data to the datastore based on the saveinterval property
  • Bind To Close Automatically saves, closes and destroys all sessions when server starts to close
  • Reconcile Fills in missing values from the template into the value property
  • Compression Compress data to reduce character count
  • Safe Saveing Impossible for save requests to be added to queue (you can ignore the warning)
  • Multiple script support Safe to interact with the same datastore object from multiple scripts
  • Task batching Tasks will be batched togever when possible
  • Direct value access Access the datastore value directly, module will never tamper with your data and will never leave any data in your datastore or memorystore
  • Easy to use Simple and elegant
  • Lightweight No RunService events and no while do loops 100% event based

Suphi's DataStore Module vs ProfileService

ProfileService relies on os.time() to lock the session. The problem with this is that each servers os.time() may not be 100% in sync. So to combat this problem ProfileService has a session timeout of 30 minutes, but if the servers have a os.time() delta greater then 30 minutes, then the server will be able to bypass the session lock and you will lose data. Another problem is because sessions are locked for 30 minutes, if roblox servers go down and quickly come back up and the server was not able to unlock the sessions. Then players will not be able to enter your game for 30 minutes until the sessions timeout. but will be able to enter other games that dont use ProfileService.

So the way Suphi's DataStore Module works is that it uses the MemoryStore to save the session lock and because memorystores have a built in expiration time. The memorystore will get automatically removed for all servers at the exact same time and because of this it will be imposible for a server to bypass the session lock. This also allows us to have a very low session timeout of [interval] + 30 seconds. Another benefit of using the MemoryStore is that instead of using UpdateAsync on the DataStore. We only use UpdateAsync for the MemoryStore. Which allows us to not waste any Get and Set requests for the DataStore. The MemoryStore has a request limit of 1000 + 100 ⨉ [number of player] per minute while the DataStore only has a request limit of 60 + 10 ⨉ [number of player] per minute.

ProfileService relays on RunService.Heartbeat and has a few while true do task.wait() end. on the other hand Suphi's DataStore Module is 100% event driven making it super lightweight

ProfileService saves data along side your data and forces you to save your data as a table where Suphi's DataStore Module gives you full access to your datastores value and lets you set the datastore value directly with numbers, strings, booleans, tables or nil Suphi's DataStore Module will not save any data inside your datastore


Go to releases and download the version(latest stable version prefered), or copy the code(Both signal and datastoremodule, make signal the child of the main module.) in the repo. Alternatively without downloading you can do:


import DataStore from "@rbxts/suphi-datastore";

Current version: 1.0


new<template extends {}>(name: string, scope: string, key: string): property<template>

Returns previously created session else a new session

new<template extends {}>(name: string, key: string): property<template>

Returns previously created session else a new session

hidden<template extends {}>(name: string, scope: string, key: string): property<template>

Returns a new session that cannot be returned by new or find

find<template extends {}>(name: string, scope: string, key: string): property<template> | undefined

Returns previously created session else nil

find <template extends {}>(name: string, key: string) : property<template>

Returns previously created session else nil

enum Response {Success, Saved, Locked, State, Error}

List of responses that acts like a enum


Value: template

Value of datastore

Metadata  table  {}

Metadata associated with the key

UserIds  table  {}

An array of UserIds associated with the key

SaveInterval number  30

Interval in seconds the datastore will automatically save (set to 0 to disable automatic saving)

Response Success Saved Locked State Error

List of responses that acts like a enum

LockInterval  number  60

Interval in seconds the memorystore will update the session lock

LockAttempts  number  5

How many times the memorystore needs to fail before the session closes

SaveOnClose  boolean  true

Automatically save the data when the session is closed or destroyed

Id  string  "Name/Scope/Key"  READ ONLY

Identifying string

UniqueId  string  "8-4-4-4-12"  READ ONLY

Unique identifying string

Key  string  "Key"  READ ONLY

Key used for the datastore

State  boolean?  false  READ ONLY

Current state of the session [nil = Destroyed] [false = Closed] [true = Open]

Hidden  boolean  false/true  READ ONLY

Set to true if this session was created by the hidden constructor

AttemptsRemaining  number  0  READ ONLY

How many memorystore attempts remaining before the session closes

CreatedTime  number  0  READ ONLY

Number of milliseconds from epoch to when the datastore was created

UpdatedTime  number  0  READ ONLY

Number of milliseconds from epoch to when the datastore was updated

Version  string  ""  READ ONLY

Unique identifying string of the current datastore save

CompressedValue  string  ""  READ ONLY

Compressed string that is updated before every save if compression is enabled by setting dataStore.Metadata.Compress = {["Level"] = 2, ["Decimals"] = 3, ["Safety"] = true} Level = 1 (allows mixed tables), Level = 2 (does not allow mixed tables but compresses arrays better), Decimals = amount of decimal places saved, Safety = replace delete character from strings


StateChanged(state: boolean?, object: DataStore)  Signal

Fires after state property has changed

Saving(value: Variant, object: DataStore)  Signal

Fires just before the value is about to save

AttemptsChanged(AttemptsRemaining: number, object: DataStore)  Signal

Fires when the AttemptsRemaining property has changed

ProcessQueue(id: string, values: array, dataStore: DataStore)  Signal

Fires when state = true and values detected inside the MemoryStoreQueue


Open(template: any)  string any

Tries to open the session, optional template parameter will be reconciled onto the value, returns errorType and errorMessage if fails

Read(template: any)  string any

Reads the datastore value without the need to open the session, optional template parameter will be reconciled onto the value

Save()  string any

Force save the current value to the datastore

Close()  string any

Closes the session

Destroy()  string any

Closes and destroys the session, destroyed sessions will be locked

Clone()  any

Clones the value property

Queue(value: any, expiration: number?, priority: number?)  string any
Adds a value to the MemoryStoreQueue expiration default (604800 seconds / 7 days), max (3888000 seconds / 45 days)
Remove(id: string)  string any

Removed values from the MemoryStoreQueue

Reconcile(template: any) nil

Fills in missing values from the template into the value property

Usage()  number  number

How much datastore has been used, returns the character count and the second number is a number scaled from 0 to 1 [0 = 0% , 0.5 = 50%, 1 = 100%, 1.5 = 150%]

Simple Example

import DataStore from "@rbxts/suphi-datastore";
// Find or create a datastore object
const dataStore = new DataStore("Name", "Key");

// Connect a function to the StateChanged event and print to the output when the state changes
dataStore.StateChanged.Connect((state) => {
	if (state === undefined) print("Destroyed", dataStore.Id);
	if (state === false) print("Closed   ", dataStore.Id);
	if (state === true) print("Open     ", dataStore.Id);

//  Open the datastore session
const [response, responseData] = dataStore.Open();

//  If the session fails to open lets print why and return
if (response !== "Success") error(response);

//  Set the datastore value
dataStore.Value = "Hello world!";

//  Save, close and destroy the session

Load Example

local DataStoreModule = require(11671168253)
local dataStore = DataStoreModule.new("Name", "Key")

-- read the value from the datastore
if dataStore:Read() ~= "Success" then return end

-- WARNING this value might be out of date use open instead if you need the latest value

-- as we never opened the session it will instantly destroy without saving or closing

Setup Player Data Example

import DataStore from "@rbxts/suphi-datastore";
import { Players } from "@rbxts/services";

type optional = {
	Level: number;
	Coins: number;
	Inventory: {};
	DeveloperProducts:	Map<string , number>;

const template: optional = {
	Level: 0,
	Coins: 0,
	Inventory: {},
	DeveloperProducts: new Map<string , number>(),

Players.PlayerAdded.Connect((player) => {
	const dataStore = new DataStore<optional>("Player", tostring(player.UserId));
	const [success] = dataStore.Open(template);
	if (success !== "Success") print(player.Name, "failed to open");

Players.PlayerRemoving.Connect((player) => {
	const dataStore = DataStore.find<optional>("Player", tostring(player.UserId));

Setup Player Data Example

local dataStore = DataStoreModule.find("Player", player.UserId)
if dataStore == nil then return end
if dataStore.State ~= true then return end -- make sure the session is open or the value will never get saved
dataStore.Value.Level += 1

Developer Products Example

import DataStore from "@rbxts/suphi-datastore";
import { MarketplaceService } from "@rbxts/services";

type optional = {
	Level: number;
	Coins: number;
	Inventory: {};
	DeveloperProducts: Map<string, number>;

MarketplaceService.ProcessReceipt = function (receiptInfo) {
	const dataStore = DataStore.find<optional>("Player", tostring(receiptInfo.PlayerId));
	if (dataStore === undefined) return Enum.ProductPurchaseDecision.NotProcessedYet;
	if (dataStore.State !== true) return Enum.ProductPurchaseDecision.NotProcessedYet;

	// convert the ProductId to a string as we are not allowed empty slots for numeric indexes
	const productId = tostring(receiptInfo.ProductId);
	const DeveloperProducts = dataStore.Value.DeveloperProducts;
	// Add 1 to to the productId in the DeveloperProducts table
	DeveloperProducts.set(productId, (DeveloperProducts.get(productId) ?? 0) + 1);

	const [saved] = dataStore.Save();
	if (saved === "Saved")
		// there was no errors lets grant the purchase
		return Enum.ProductPurchaseDecision.PurchaseGranted;
	// the save failed lets make sure to remove the product or it might get saved in the next save interval
	else {
		const currentvalue = DeveloperProducts.get(productId);
		DeveloperProducts.set(productId, (currentvalue !== undefined && currentvalue - 1) || 0);
	return Enum.ProductPurchaseDecision.NotProcessedYet;

Setup Player Data Automatic Retry Example

import { Players } from "@rbxts/services";
import DataStore, { property } from "@rbxts/suphi-datastore";

type optional = {
	Level: number;
	Coins: number;
	Inventory: {};
	DeveloperProducts: Map<string, number>;

const tem: optional = {
	Level: 0,
	Coins: 0,
	Inventory: {},
	DeveloperProducts: new Map<string, number>(),

const StateChanged = (state: boolean, dataStore: property<optional>) => {
	while (dataStore.State === false) {
		const [success] = dataStore.Open(tem);
		if (success !== DataStore.Response.Success) task.wait(6);

Players.PlayerAdded.Connect((player) => {
	const ds = new DataStore<optional>("Players_", tostring(player.UserId));
	StateChanged(ds.State ?? (ds.State || false), ds);

Players.PlayerRemoving.Connect((player) => {
	const dataSource = DataStore.find<optional>("Players_", tostring(player.UserId));


const [response, responseData] = dataStore.Open()
//Success, nil
//Locked, UniqueId
//State, Destroying/Destroyed
//Error, ErrorMessage

const [response, responseData] = dataStore.Read()
//Success, nil
//State, Open
//Error, ErrorMessage

const [response, responseData] = dataStore.Save()
//Saved, nil
//State, Closing/Closed/Destroying/Destroyed
//Error, ErrorMessage

const [response, responseData] = dataStore.Close()
//Success, nil
//Saved, nil

const [response, responseData] = dataStore.Destroy()
//Success, nil
//Saved, nil

const [response, responseData] = dataStore.Queue()
//Success, nil
//Error, ErrorMessage

const [response, responseData] = dataStore.Remove()
//Success, nil
//Error, ErrorMessage

Update 1.0

  • bug fixes
  • added hidden objects
  • added Response enum
  • added SaveDelay
  • added Hidden property
  • added Queue
  • added Remove
  • renamed Load to Read
  • functions now respond differently
  • Close and Destroy now tell you if the datastore saved
  • improved proxy
  • improved task manager
  • you can now save custom values inside the object
  • under the hood changes