A shopping cart built with React, Redux (with Typescript), Material-UI, Node, MongoDB, Express

To install locally

  1. Clone repo on your local machine:
 git clone

Install server-side dependencies:

 cd fullstack-shopping-cart
 npm install

Install client-side dependencies:

 cd client
 npm install

In the root of the project create a .env file and replace the MONGODB_URI, and SESSION_SECRET env variable with your own

Start MongoDB in your local machine

sudo service mongod start

In server.js after mongoose.connect uncomment (if they are commented out) these two lines to seed products in your database:

const seedProducts = require('./seeds/products.js');

cd into ./client and build the client:

 npm run build

Now navigate back to server root directory and start the server

 cd ..
 npm run start

Now navigate to localhost:5000 and the app is running here