E7twa Coding Task

E7twa coding task is about creating simple web application backend API only for an admin to view a list of volunteers registered in the system.

I used PHP language and Codeigniter4 framework to do this API.

There are 3 endpoits:

  • http://localhost:8080/API/register To register a volunteer POST
  • http://localhost:8080/API/volunteers/API_KEY To view list of volunteers(accesible by admin only) GET
  • http://localhost:8080/API/login To login ethier as admin or volunteer, in case if its volunteer it will display its information, if admin create a JWT token.


You must download XAMPP, MAMP or similar app

In order to test this API follow these steps:

  1. Open XAMPP and run the Apache and MySQL server
  2. Open this URL and import the sql file named tables.sql in the repository
  3. Write in the terminal php spark serve
  4. test it in postman using the three endpoints above