
:electric_plug: JCoCo is an implementation of the Python Virtual Machine in Java. Programming Languages class project. :hammer_and_wrench:

Primary LanguageJava

🔌 JCoCo - Programming Languages - CS370 Project 🛠️

JCoCo is an implementation of the Python Virtual Machine in Java. Programming Languages - CS 370 class project.

Implementation of JCoCo FrozenSet Class

JCoCo is an implementation of the Python Virtual Machine in Java. JCoCo is an object-oriented implementation of the Python 3.5 virtual machine.

The exercise instruction was:

Implement the frozenset class of Python. Implement a frozenset data type. Write a Python program first and disassemble it to test some frozenset operations. You can find the frozenset operations by consulting the Python documentation. Be sure to implement all the operations exactly as specified. You can run this test program to test your answers. You can download the test program by clicking here. Disassemble this program and then run it with your version of coco from within the Netbeans environment (right-click on the project in Netbeans and then select Properties... and Run to set the CASM file as the file to read.

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