

Some Custom Shell Scripts.

How to Clone my Project

1st Script:Docker Install

Main Menu

  1. Install Requirments
  2. Install Docker
  3. Test Docker
  4. Pull SQL-Server Image
  5. Run SQL-Server image
  6. View Running Services in Docker
  7. Error log inside the container
  8. Connect to SQL Server Select an Option:

2nd Script:Impottant Stuff

Main Menu

  1. Update
  2. Upgrade
  3. Neofetch
  4. Nams
  5. Snap
  6. Discord
  7. Sublime Text
  8. Notion
  9. Visual Studio Code
  10. Requirments For Docker
  11. Docker
  12. Wine
  13. Ngrok
  14. Azure Data Studio Select an Option: