EDoS-ADS: An Enhanced Mitigation Technique Against Economic Denial of Sustainability (EDoS) Attacks

Table of Contents

1. Directory structure of the EDoS-ADS Toolkit
2. Software requirements: Java version 1.6 or newer 
3. Installation and running the EDoS-ADS Toolkit
4. Running the EDoS-ADS code

1. Directory structure of the EDoS-ADS Toolkit

	docs/            -- CloudSim API Documentation
	examples/        -- EDoS-ADS examples
	jars/            -- EDoS-ADS jar archives
	sources/         -- EDoS-ADS source code
	output/          -- EDoS-ADS output files

2. Software requirements: Java version 1.6 or newer

EDoS-ADS as well as CloudSim have been tested and ran on Sun's Java version 1.6.0 or newer.
Older versions of Java are not compatible.
If you have non-Sun Java version, such as gcj or J++, they may not be compatible.
You also need to install Ant to compile CloudSim (explained in more details later).

3. Installation and running the EDoS-ADS Toolkit

You just need to unpack the EDoS-ADS file to install.
If you want to remove EDoS-ADS, then remove the whole EDoS-ADS directory.
You do not need to compile EDoS-ADS source code. The JAR files are
provided to compile and to run CloudSim applications:

  * jars/cloudsim-<VERSION>.jar                    -- contains the CloudSim class files
  * jars/cloudsim-<VERSION>-sources.jar            -- contains the CloudSim source code files
  * jars/cloudsim-examples-<VERSION>.jar           -- contains the CloudSim examples class files
  * jars/cloudsim-examples-<VERSION>-sources.jar   -- contains the CloudSim examples source code files

4. Running the EDoS-ADS code

Please read how to run the EDoS-ADS code in examples.txt