TPShooter: An FPS Game Built with Unreal Engine 5

TPShooter - Unreal Editor 2023-09-17 4_29_54 AM Screenshot 2023-09-19 170625


Welcome to TPShooter, a first-person shooter developed from the ground up with Unreal Engine 5. Delving deep into the realm of C++ programming, blueprints have been utilized only where essential, striking a balance between efficiency and flexibility.

This README sheds light on the technical prowess, the tools used from Unreal Engine 5, and the advanced C++ techniques employed.

Technical Highlights

C++ Programming:

  • Custom AI Logic: Leverage UE5's AI toolset combined with custom C++ logic, making adversaries challenging and lifelike.

  • Efficient Memory Management: Ensured smooth performance with dynamic memory allocations, data structures, and custom class management.

  • Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): Embraced OOP principles for modular and maintainable code, encompassing encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism.

  • Advanced Game Mechanics: Mastered C++ to implement intricate gameplay mechanics, such as bullet physics, dynamic health systems, and inventory management.

  • Multi-Threading: Utilized multi-threading to boost performance, ensuring game processes run concurrently and efficiently.

Unreal Engine 5 Features:

  • Environment & Level Design: Designed captivating and interactive environments utilizing UE5's landscape tools and Quixel Megascans for photorealistic assets.

  • AI Pathfinding & Behavior: Implemented dynamic AI systems, ensuring enemies utilize the environment strategically, challenge players, and adapt to player strategies.

  • Lumen Global Illumination: Exploited Lumen's capabilities for real-time dynamic global illumination, resulting in photorealistic settings.

  • World Partition System: Employed the world partitioning system for dynamic game world streaming, ensuring performance peaks based on player location.

  • Chaos Physics & Destruction: Infused dynamic environment destruction for an immersive combat experience.

Blueprint Integration:

  • Character Animation: Merged Blueprints with character animations, creating fluid and organic movement systems.

  • UI/UX Design: Meshed UE5's UMG (Unreal Motion Graphics) with Blueprints for user-friendly HUDs, menus, and GUIs.

  • Event Systems: Harnessed Blueprint events for game progression, triggers, and world interactivity.

Showcase & Media:

Photo Gallery

Getting Started

  1. Prerequisites: Ensure you have the latest Unreal Engine 5 installed.

  2. Clone the Repository:

    git clone
  3. Open the Project: Navigate to the project directory and double-click the .uproject file to launch the game in UE5.


Special thanks to Unreal Engine's vast community, documentation, and tutorials which have been invaluable throughout this project's development. Also the Unreal Engine 5 C++ Developer: Learn C++ & Make Video Games which was my starting point and I learned a lot from it.

By delving deep into both C++ and UE5's advanced features, this project showcases a meticulous approach to game development. Whether you're here to explore the code, learn from the techniques, or just to play - enjoy TPShooter!