
Infinite scrolling + MVVM + Well-designed REST Client Networking + IOS + Swift

Primary LanguageSwift

MVVM with Clean Architecture.

Create Infinite scrolling iOS App with MVVM arcitecure, Well-designed REST Client Networking request and Swift4 programming laguage!!!!

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Swift With clean clean Architecture

Design and develop an iOS NHAwesomeMove App using Swift where,


  • Use Restful APIs with back-end services #themoviedb.
  • Use infinite scrolling to load more data. (Both Now Playing and Top Rated API responses are paginated).
  • Use Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) to perform .
  • Use programmatically Auto-layout.
  • Use Protocol oriented programming
  • Software design patterns #(DI)
  • Generic programming
  • Don't repeat yourself

Code Sample1

 final class MovieViewModel {
    private weak var delegate: MovieViewModelDelegate?
    private var movies: [Movie] = []
    private var currentPage = 1
    private var total = 0
    private var isFetchInProgress = false
    var client : NHDataProvider!
    var pageName : String!
    init( pageName: String, client : NHDataProvider = NHClientHTTPNetworking(), delegate: MovieViewModelDelegate) {
        self.pageName = pageName
        self.client = client
        self.delegate = delegate

Code Sample2

 final class NHClientHTTPNetworking : NHDataProvider {
    let session: URLSession
    init(session: URLSession = URLSession.shared) {
        self.session = session
    func fetchRemote<Model: Codable>(_ val: Model.Type, url: URL,
                         completion: @escaping (Result<Codable, DataResponseError>) -> Void) {
        let urlRequest = URLRequest(url: url)
        session.dataTask(with: urlRequest, completionHandler: { data, response, error in
                let httpResponse = response as? HTTPURLResponse,
                let data = data
                else {
            guard let decodedResponse = try? JSONDecoder().decode(Model.self, from: data) else {


Pull requests are welcome. For incress efficency, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.

Contact with Me

Hi! Right now i have 4 years+ experience iPhone application development/Xcode App Update / Bug Fixes. my 7 development apps almost App store top leading app.Stackoverflow 6000+ reputation for 150+ accepted and voted answer. I love to write clean code that is help to understand new developer to enhance the app easily in future.

Thanks you
Nazmul Hasan
Sr. software engineer, iOS
Skype: nazmulkp1
Mail: nazmulcsharp@gmail.com