
simple javascript carousel implementation

Primary LanguageJavaScript



Run Scripts

  • npm install //install dependencies
  • npm run build //make a build files
  • npm run test-unit //run unit test files using jest
  • npm run demo //open demo html page in the browser

Assignment Solution Explaination

  • Simplified carousel using plain javascript implementation.

  • I've chosen to setup build scripts using gulp to generate minified js file to be able to include it in a template html file.

  • writing a javascript carousel within short time is a nice challange, had to think simple and focused.

  • The implemention is functions based not a single web page app, responsive and simple:

  • First it place all the divs/images one above the other. The function moveRight() places the previous element of active element at the center and uses transform on x-axis. Similarly for moveLeft() when left arrow is clicked.

  • I added Unit test under /test using JEST to test DOM manipulation of the carousel
    note: i've added a second version of the carousel using module.exports to be able to import it to the test.

What I would like to improve on the implemention

    1. add better build setup to make it as library
    1. replace css by scss
    1. make carousel as a class
    1. add config setup for the carousel.

another branch without JavaScript implementation##
