
A cost analysis dataset of region-wise different IT departments was used for this project. I used excel and powerBI query tools to analyze and build the relational model. After that used different visualization tools to show different budgets and forecasts comparisons.

Region Wise Cost Analysis and Visualization of IT Departments using Microsoft PowerBI

A cost analysis dataset of region-wise different IT departments was used for this project. I used ms excel and powerBI query tools to analyze and build the relational model. After that, I used different visualization tools to show different budgets and forecasts comparisons. I also compared between actual, budget and forecasts data.

For this project, I used the following datasets:

  1. Budget.csv
  2. dim_tables.xlsx
  3. Forecast.csv

Later in the PowerBI, I used the above data to build some additional table datasets for better analysis and visualizing. The tables are:

  1. Actuals
  2. CostElements
  3. Departments
  4. Region

Name of the powerBI file: IT_Cost_Analysis.pbix


i. Entity Relationship Diagram Model

1  Relational Model

ii. Cost Analysis DASHBOARD

2  Cost Analysis Dashboard

iii. Region-wise Cost Analysis

3  Region Wise Cost Analysis

iv. Decomposition Tree

4  Decomposition Tree

Note: The PowerBI online publishing link isn't available right now because of subscription issues. I'll add that online link soon, so anyone can open it and interact with it as the whole thing is very dynamic.