
The Second FreeCodeCamp Basic Front-End Development Project

Primary LanguageHTML


      The Second FreeCodeCamp Basic Front-End Development Project
      *In free code camp after learning the basics of the Front-End development , you are asked to 
      do this personal page project I Tried to create my own design , this project took me more 
      than a day to think of hows the layout for the design will be took my several hour of searching 
      to know how can i do such a layout and finally a couple of hours to code it :3 The expirence 
      i gained by doing those 2 projects is really amazing and full of joy , Web is Really cool :)  .

Now about the project it self

      Its just a personal page , that do those functions :
      1.Access all of the portfolio webpage's content just by scrolling.
      2.Click different buttons that will take me to the portfolio creator's different social media pages.
      3.thumbnail images of different projects the portfolio creator has built (if you haven't built 
      any websites before, use placeholders.) 

As i said Earlier I love this camp so i recommend anybody who is interested in Web-Development to take this course + add to that its free :P .