
Automate Android deployment using Fastlane

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Automate Android mobile Application Deployment Process

Automating tedious deployment of Android mobile applications to Google Play Store using Fastlane and Github Actions.



Make sure you have the latest version of the Xcode command line tools installed:

xcode-select --install

Install fastlane using

[sudo] gem install fastlane -NV

or alternatively using brew install fastlane

Available Actions


fastlane test


fastlane post_slack_deploy_message


fastlane update_available_plugins


Here are three different .yml file which you can use as your workflow.


- Fastfile

   platform :android do
       desc "Firebase App Distributions"
       lane :distribute do
           gradle(task: "clean assembleRelease")
               service_credentials_file: "firebase_credentials.json",
               app: ENV['FIREBASE_APP_ID'],
               release_notes_file: "FirebaseAppDistributionConfig/release_notes.txt",
               groups_file: "FirebaseAppDistributionConfig/groups.txt"
           slack(message: "Firebase App Distributed!")
       desc "Deploy to the Google Play"
       lane :beta do
           gradle(task: "clean bundleRelease")
           upload_to_play_store(track: 'beta', release_status: 'draft')
           slack(message: "BETA successfully deployed!")
       desc "Deploy a new version to the Google Play"
       lane :production do
           gradle(task: "clean bundleRelease")
           upload_to_play_store(release_status: 'draft')
             message: "App successfully released!",
             channel: "#channel",  # Optional, by default will post to the default channel configured for the POST URL.
             success: true,        # Optional, defaults to true.
             payload: {  # Optional, lets you specify any number of your own Slack attachments.
               "Build Date" => Time.new.to_s,
               "Built by" => "Jenkins",
             default_payloads: [:git_branch, :git_author], # Optional, lets you specify default payloads to include. Pass an empty array to suppress all the default payloads.
             attachment_properties: { # Optional, lets you specify any other properties available for attachments in the slack API (see https://api.slack.com/docs/attachments).
                  # This hash is deep merged with the existing properties set using the other properties above. This allows your own fields properties to be appended to the existing fields that were created using the `payload` property for instance.
               thumb_url: "http://example.com/path/to/thumb.png",
               fields: [{
                 title: "My Field",
                 value: "My Value",
                 short: true

- Slack

Send a success/error message to your Slack group

Create an Incoming WebHook and export this as SLACK_URL. Can send a message to #channel (by default), a direct message to @username or a message to a private group group with success (green) or failure (red) status.

Supported platforms ios, android, mac
Author @KrauseFx

2 Examples

slack(message: "App successfully released!")
  message: "App successfully released!",
  channel: "#channel",  # Optional, by default will post to the default channel configured for the POST URL.
  success: true,        # Optional, defaults to true.
  payload: {  # Optional, lets you specify any number of your own Slack attachments.
    "Build Date" => Time.new.to_s,
    "Built by" => "Jenkins",
  default_payloads: [:git_branch, :git_author], # Optional, lets you specify default payloads to include. Pass an empty array to suppress all the default payloads.
  attachment_properties: { # Optional, lets you specify any other properties available for attachments in the slack API (see https://api.slack.com/docs/attachments).
       # This hash is deep merged with the existing properties set using the other properties above. This allows your own fields properties to be appended to the existing fields that were created using the `payload` property for instance.
    thumb_url: "http://example.com/path/to/thumb.png",
    fields: [{
      title: "My Field",
      value: "My Value",
      short: true




Beta Deployment

Release (Beta)

Production Deployment

Release (Production)

Tools used