
Docker image used to serve a Single Page App (pure frontend javascript) using nginx, it support PushState, and includes a way to pass configuration at run time.

Primary LanguageDockerfile

docker pull socialengine/nginx-spa

This is a Docker image used to serve a Single Page App (pure frontend javascript) using nginx, it support PushState, and includes a way to pass configuration at run time.

Supported tags and Dockerfile links

Included on top of base nginx image

App Setup

This docker image is built for index.html file being in the /app directory. pushState is enabled.

At a minimum, you will want this in your Dockerfile:

FROM socialengine/nginx-spa:5.6

COPY build/ /app
COPY index.html /app/index.html

Then you can build & run your app in the docker container. It will be served by a nginx static server.

$ docker build -t your-app-image .
$ docker run -e API_KEY=yourkey -e API_URL=http://myapi.example.com \
  -e CONFIG_VARS=API_URL,API_KEY -p 8000:80 your-app-image

You can then go to http://docker-ip:8000/ to see it in action.

Env Config

Included is ability to pass run time environmental variables to your app.

This is very useful in case your API is on a different domain, or if you want to configure central error logging.

$ docker run -e RAVEN_DSN=yourkey -e API_URL=http://myapi.example.com  \
  -e CONFIG_VARS=API_URL,RAVEN_DSN -p 8000:80 socialengine/nginx-spa:latest
 ==> Writing /app/config.js with {"RAVEN_DSN":"yourkey", "API_URL":"http://myapi.example.com"}

This will create a config.js file, which you can then add to your index.html, or load asynchronously. The path can be controlled with CONFIG_FILE_PATH environmental variable.