summer-training Tasks for the back-end training 💻🔙🔚

First Task 🥇✔

  1. created a utility file named methods.js with some basic math functions add➕, sub➖, mult✖, and div➗.
  2. export 📤📤📤 the functions.
  3. Import 📩📩📩 the functions in my main file named app.js.

Second Task 🥈✔

  1. created a validation module for validating inputs from users named validation-module.js.
  2. installed the packages needed for my functions:- validator, prompt-sync, and color.
  3. created the functions validEmail📧 . validPassword🔑, validAge🔢, validGender🧬, and validName🆔 with the required specifications.
  4. export 📤📤📤 the functions.
  5. import 📩📩📩 the function in the main file indedx.js.