
This is a console app using .NET v7.0 that connects to your one drive using Microsoft Graph, using delegated access. From this app, you can:

  • Browse your one drive directory and set an upload destination
  • Create a word document with a single run of text and upload it to your destination.


To configure this application you will need to register an application in Azure. You will need the following permissions with the type of Delegated:

  • Files.ReadWrite
  • User.Read

In the appsettings.json file, enter your client ID and tenant ID from the application overview in Azure. Please see here for additional information on registing an app with Azure.

##Purpose The purpose of this project was to demonstrate using the Microsoft Graph API to create and upload a word document to OneDrive.

Hack Together: Microsoft Graph and .NET dotnet 7.0 Microsoft Graph Spectre.Console NuGet Version