Web helper

How it works

The files it should deal with are log files which means that these files can be very large and might not fit in memory. To tackle this, file is read in a buffered manner and is also outputed in chuncks either to stdout(default) or to a file optionally specified.


Basic usage

For the basic usage you will need to run ./weblog_helper --ip <someip>

It will assume that the file is https://s3.amazonaws.com/syseng-challenge/public_access.log.txt , will download it (chunked) and for each log line it will check if it satisifes the ip.

In case of using this command you will get the answer on stdout

Another remote file

Run ./weblog_helper --ip <someip> --remote-file <urlToRemoteFile>

Local file

Run ./weblog_helper --ip <someip> --local-file> <urltoLocalFile>

It will tell you what is wrong if you specify a bad file


I've included a binary weblog_helper_osx which is built for osx and another weblog_helper_linux for linux use the one compatible with your box.

Custom build

  1. You need to have golang (this is tested on 1.9 but will possible work with other versions)
  2. You need to run go get github.com/ahmadposten/weblog_helper
  3. run go build -o weblog_helper *.go
  4. You will have a binary named weblog_helper which can be used normally

Dependencies management

I am using https://github.com/golang/dep for dependency management. i've included the vendored folder for convenience. In case of changes to Gopkg.toml you will need to run dep ensure


run go test -v