
Flutter NFC reader plugin for iOS and Android

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT

Flutter NFC Reader & Writer

A new flutter plugin to help developers looking to use internal hardware inside iOS or Android devices for reading and writing NFC tags.

The system activate a pooling reading session that stops automatically once a tag has been recognised. You can also trigger the stop event manually using a dedicated function.

Supported NFC Format

Platform Supported NFC Tags
Android NDEF: A, B, F, V, BARCODE
iOS NDEF: NFC TYPE 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Only Android supports nfc tag writing


Add to pubspec.yaml:

      url: git://github.com/matteocrippa/flutter-nfc-reader.git
      ref: master

and then run the shell

flutter packages get

last step import to the project:

import 'package:flutter_nfc_reader/flutter_nfc_reader.dart';

How to use

Android setup

Add those two lines to your AndroidManifest.xml on the top

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.NFC" />
        android:required="true" />

Assign 18 in minSdkVersion in the build.gradle (Module: app)

defaultConfig {
minSdkVersion 18

iOS Setup

Atm only Swift based Flutter project are supported.

  • Enable Capabilities / Near Field Communication Tag Reading.
  • Info.plist file, add Privacy - NFC Scan Usage Description with string value NFC Tag.

In your Podfile add this code in the top

platform :ios, '8.0'

Read NFC

This function will return a promise when a read occurs, till that very moment the reading session is open. The promise will return a NfcData model, this model contains:

  • id > id of the tag
  • content > content of the tag
  • error > if any error occurs
FlutterNfcReader.read().then((response) {

Write NFC (Only Android)

This function will return a promise when a write occurs, till that very moment the reading session is open. The promise will return a NfcData model, this model contains:

  • content > writed in the tag
FlutterNfcReader.write("path_prefix","tag content").then((response) {

Read & Write NFC (Only Android)

You can read and then write in an nfc tag using the above functions as follows

FlutterNfcReader.read().then((readResponse) {
    FlutterNfcReader.write(" ",readResponse.content).then((writeResponse) {
        print('writed: ${writeResponse.content}');

Stop NFC

  • status > status of ncf reading or writing stoped
FlutterNfcReader.stop().then((response) {

For better details look at the demo app.

Getting Started

For help getting started with Flutter, view our online documentation.

For help on editing plugin code, view the documentation.


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