- Intro to Python and JavaScript(week1 and week2)
- Python Basics - Datatypes, Functions, List Comprehension
- Student Dictionary
- Atomic Dictionary
- HTML Basics and JavaScript - Forms and Function (Multiply and Addition)
- More on Basics of Python and JavaScript
- More on Python and JavaScript : Functions, Classes, Modules
- Frequency of words in text file using python
- Temperature Convertion Function and storing all the conversions carried in program using python
- JavaScript and JSON programs
- Display Book name and Authors
- Basic Menu app
- JSON with different datatypes inside
- Looping through Array and accessing JSON
- Dynamic Patient Details using JSON
- Colored Element using CSS and JSON
- Programs implemented on both JavaScript and Python
- Calculate Age from DOB
- Minutes to Hour:Minute notation
- LetterSurround check
- Range of odd numbers
- Change Character as per conditions
- Python program using Pandas and Seaborn on
- Iris Dataset
- Titanic Dataset
- StudentPreformance Dataset
- BlackFriday Dataset
- Web Applications using Flask
- ATM app
- Shopping Cart app
- Student Registration