
Add Swift Package Manager support

Opened this issue · 8 comments

I would like to use Cucumberish with Vapor. Since a Vapor projects defines dependencies with Swift Package Manager it would be nice if Cucumberish supported it. A Package.swift manifest file is needed at the root.

Using Cucumberish with Vapor sounds like a brilliant idea that brings a lot of potential. Feel free to make a PR for supporting the Swift Package Manager.

has anyone taken a crack at this? are there any known issues with preparing Cucumberish as a Swift Package?

This is still needed.

Is there any way to get this released? Seems like the PRs for this have been integrated. @Ahmed-Ali
Here is the PR: #135

+1 on getting this released since it was merged in PR #135. Would love to get off of Cocoapods entirely and move over to SPM!

+1 on getting this released. I need this as well.

thanks guys for the feedback, I'll pick it up for assessment ASAP. I'll post any updates on this thread.

Any updates on this?