Cucumberish is test automation framework for Behaviour Driven Development. It is inspired by the amazing way of writing automated test cases introduced originally by Cucumber using Gherkin language
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Integrating Cucumberish into a Separate Framework for macOS: Troubleshooting Build Errors
#152 opened by shurang9 - 1
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How to integrate with AWS Device Farm
#146 opened by snickers-vic - 3
#131 opened by robwhitlock666 - 2
The project is clearly abandoned, at least state it as such in the readme
#137 opened by broken-bytes - 1
No such module 'Cucumberish'
#147 opened by zhaoxh11 - 8
Add Swift Package Manager support
#107 opened by fotiDim - 1
How to navigate to step definition from feature file by clicking on step from feature file?
#144 opened by pmohite31 - 1
In the "Install Manually for Swift" page you need to add @objc in Swift 4 and above
#134 opened by cortis - 3
How can you run the tests from command line?
#95 opened by mariusbob - 6
Error thrown: No visible @interface for 'Cucumberish' declares the selector 'initWithInvocation:'
#143 opened by nagashreea - 7
Xcode 12.5 problem
#141 opened by sidekickr - 3
Not support XCode 12?
#138 opened by Mikuu - 0
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iOS 14.2 & Xcode 12.2 [[XCUIApplication alloc] initWithBundleIdentifier:@"xxx"] Method Throw Exception
#136 opened by hxxyyangyong - 4
How to execute tests in parallel?
#122 opened by olyv - 1
Test Cases not getting executed
#130 opened by kalimsayyad - 1
Any approach to rerun failed tests
#132 opened by Mikuu - 2
Step implementation with parameters
#104 opened by David-Grigoryan - 1
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The UITests project is installing as a separate app.
#129 opened by azamsharp - 0
Cannot execute tags using AND logic
#127 opened by iammike - 1
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executeFeatures nothing happens
#125 opened by khalilTN - 4
Carthage doesn't build Cucumberish Mac target
#93 opened by lnorr - 0
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No such module 'Cucumberish' Carthage
#113 opened by My33 - 8
afterFinish() is not called on a dry-run
#91 opened by lukeredpath - 13
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how to generate JSON output
#123 opened by matdtr - 3
Where is the example application?
#108 opened by normand1 - 1
Use of unresolved identifier error
#121 opened by AhmedOsamaBarghash - 0
scheme url
#119 opened by stevenxiaoyang - 0
Gherkin Upgrade
#118 opened by sidekickr - 2
"And" steps not being recognized
#109 opened by arvere - 1
Using data tables with Swift
#117 opened by oivzhich - 1
The bundle "UITests" couldn't be loaded because it is damaged or missing necessary resources when using use_frameworks! on the Podfile
#116 opened by rafaelclaycon - 0
integrating w/ XCTest - recordFailure
#115 opened by wildthink - 2
Has Xcode 9.2 has broken this project :(
#97 opened by DanielAsher - 1
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Setup instructions
#103 opened by idelfonsog2 - 1
Multiple language support for keywords
#100 opened by ch-one - 0
Cucumberish can't compile using -sdk iphoneos
#105 opened by roroxie - 2
How to execute single scenarios?
#96 opened by jerseysu - 0
Running asynchronous Tests
#101 opened by pvinothit - 0
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The step "..." is not implemented errors
#90 opened by bartzet - 0
Waiting for X seconds in Then
#94 opened by pvinothit