Supported tags and respective Dockerfile links

What is FOS?

FOS (FCIS OS) is an educational OS for Ain Shams University Operating Systems Course CSW355, forked and refactored from MIT Operating Systems Lab 6.828.

How to use this image

These instructions will cover usage information for the FOS container


In order to run this container you'll need docker installed.

For Windows, you'll need to install X Server as well:


Container Parameters

For Windows:

# start VcXsrv in background
$ & $env:ProgramFiles\VcXsrv\VcXsrv.exe -multiwindow -clipboard -wgl

$ docker run -it -d --name fos-container -e DISPLAY=host.docker.internal:0.0 mohamedraafat/fos:latest

For Linux:

$ docker run -it -d \
    --name fos-container \
    -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \

# add the container's hostname to the local family's list of permitted names to open up xhost only to the container's host
$ xhost +local:$(docker container inspect --format '{{ .Config.Hostname }}' fos-container)

Try in PWD

Environment Variables

  • DISPLAY - Screen id to display X (graphical) applications on. This instructs X clients (your graphical programs) which X server to connect to. (it tells GUI programs where to send their output)


  • /tmp/.X11-unix - The default directory for X socket on linux host and docker containers.

Built With

  • QEMU
  • i386 elf toolchain
  • FOSv2




  • This project was originally developed based on FOS v2 thanks to Youssef Raafat and contributors who participated in this project.