
This app simply hows the current weather based on your current location. Built on openWeatherMap api


See the app in action Alt Text

Core Features!

  • Big overview on today's weather
  • horizontal scroller showing 48 hours information of temprature
  • extra information about today's weather also available at the bottom of the home screen
  • list of the full week starting tommorow showing brief about the tempreture
  • taping on any day takes you to details screen to see extra information
  • the app supports centigrade and fahrenhite
  • settings page to choose your prefered measurment unit
  • the app saves your selection of measurment and sets it as default
  • the app sends a local notification every day at 10:30 AM to remind you to check the weather

Extra Features!

  • Background Fetcher to always keep the ui updated (To test it)
    • run on a real device
    • pause program execution
    • type this command in console
      e -l objc -- (void)[[BGTaskScheduler sharedScheduler] _simulateLaunchForTaskWithIdentifier:@"com.fetchWeather"]
    • resume the running
  • Offline storage saving the last known temprature for the user
  • Demonstration of multiple config enviroments (Staging/Production)
  • Demonstration for Unit Tests


  • Write MORE Tests



Free Software, Hell Yeah!