Landing-Project-Udacity-fwd 🎉

Table of content


Important Functions in code

Tools and languages used




  • strong textCss

    • style.css
  • js

    • app.js
  • index.html

  • README file

Tools and languages used:

  • HTML ❤️
  • CSS 👍
  • Java Script 👌


This is the first project on Udacity web development professional track. It is a simple landing page using html and css and javascript , when you click on any section you want in navigation menu , it directly goes to this section and highlight it and when you scroll the section you want and becomes in your view port , it directly highlighted and I use jQuery JavaScript library to do that . This landing page is responsive (suitable for any device and browser) .

Important Functions in code

 	function buildmenu_nav()
	function scrolling()
	function getPosition()
	function AddActivation()
	function RemoveActivation() 


© Ahmed Mohamed - FWD - Udacity ✌️

MY Linkedin account