passionate about code Improvement and refactoring. skilled ruby on rails developer
UMAIAlexandria, Egypt
Pinned Repositories
A python code that performs a ceasar cipher. Do both encryption of a plain text or decryption for a cipher text. in ceacar cipher the key used in encryption or decryption is a single character and the message contains characters only. Have fun with my code, and try your own one.
This is my capstone project in the coursera Cybersecurity specialization, we called this system "cyperpunks", and it is a secure chatting system that allows you send messages by username. have inbox for the coming messages. I hope you enjoy my project and build a better one also.
This is a c++ double linked list program which was an assignment in the Data structure course during my B.S. degree. the program does: to add student in the list, remove student from the list, search for student, print all students, print the info of a student, print the number of students, delete the list. the student's data are first name, last name , id and GPA
This Java code Encrypt any picture and gives you an encrypted image and the key that used to encrypt the image. Also it performs the reverse process, If you give it the encrypted image and the key that used in encryption it will give you the original picture
A python script that performs a Hybrid cipher on plain text. it uses RSA and AES combined together. the script contains three functions.. generate(): which generate public key and private key for the user... encrypt(plaintext): takes a plain text and return a ciphertext message that you will send to the other end... decrypt(ciphertext): takes a ciphertext and perform decryption mechanism to it and print the plain text again... you can import this module to your project if you want to secure your communication and perform authorization.
A class project in Java course at Faculty of science. this is simple code for a market (Cacher) software in which you can add items, remove items, print the bill, show the total price.
This is a c++ linked list program which was an assignment in the Data structure course during my B.S. degree. the program covers a lot of linked list functions like: create new linked list, destroy linked list, print linked list, insert/delete in/from the rear, insert/delete in/from front, insert / delete from a given position and search in a linked list. I HOPE YOU ENJOY THAT
A class project in Bioinformatics algorithms. This program Decide whether or not the sub-string S is in the string L, and return the starting position of S in L if S is in L. this problem in the DNA computer called the motive finding problem, Given a set of DNA sequences, find a set of l-mers, one from each sequence, that maximizes the consensus score. Where motive is a sequence pattern of nucleotides in a DNA sequence or amino acids in a protein. This assignment is just small scale of the motive finding problem which has a lot of constraints.
read and process docx files using python
A python code that performs a Vigenere cipher. Do both encryption of a plain text or decryption for a cipher text. in Vigenere cipher the key used in encryption or decryption is a single word and the message contains characters only.
Ahmed-Salama96's Repositories
A python code that performs a Vigenere cipher. Do both encryption of a plain text or decryption for a cipher text. in Vigenere cipher the key used in encryption or decryption is a single word and the message contains characters only.
A python script that performs a Hybrid cipher on plain text. it uses RSA and AES combined together. the script contains three functions.. generate(): which generate public key and private key for the user... encrypt(plaintext): takes a plain text and return a ciphertext message that you will send to the other end... decrypt(ciphertext): takes a ciphertext and perform decryption mechanism to it and print the plain text again... you can import this module to your project if you want to secure your communication and perform authorization.
A python code that performs a ceasar cipher. Do both encryption of a plain text or decryption for a cipher text. in ceacar cipher the key used in encryption or decryption is a single character and the message contains characters only. Have fun with my code, and try your own one.
This is my capstone project in the coursera Cybersecurity specialization, we called this system "cyperpunks", and it is a secure chatting system that allows you send messages by username. have inbox for the coming messages. I hope you enjoy my project and build a better one also.
This is a c++ double linked list program which was an assignment in the Data structure course during my B.S. degree. the program does: to add student in the list, remove student from the list, search for student, print all students, print the info of a student, print the number of students, delete the list. the student's data are first name, last name , id and GPA
This Java code Encrypt any picture and gives you an encrypted image and the key that used to encrypt the image. Also it performs the reverse process, If you give it the encrypted image and the key that used in encryption it will give you the original picture
A class project in Java course at Faculty of science. this is simple code for a market (Cacher) software in which you can add items, remove items, print the bill, show the total price.
This is a c++ linked list program which was an assignment in the Data structure course during my B.S. degree. the program covers a lot of linked list functions like: create new linked list, destroy linked list, print linked list, insert/delete in/from the rear, insert/delete in/from front, insert / delete from a given position and search in a linked list. I HOPE YOU ENJOY THAT
A class project in Bioinformatics algorithms. This program Decide whether or not the sub-string S is in the string L, and return the starting position of S in L if S is in L. this problem in the DNA computer called the motive finding problem, Given a set of DNA sequences, find a set of l-mers, one from each sequence, that maximizes the consensus score. Where motive is a sequence pattern of nucleotides in a DNA sequence or amino acids in a protein. This assignment is just small scale of the motive finding problem which has a lot of constraints.
Class project in Bioinformatics algorithms subject. This python code Takes an array and checks if it can be divided into two arrays but the sum of elements of the first array must equal the sum of elements of the second array, notice that the two arrays may be in different size but the sum of elements should be equal EX: (1,2,,3,2,1,1) will be (2,3) and (1,2,1,1). This solves a problem in Bioinformatics called Double Digest Problem, in which we have two enzymes and try to cut them with equal size
Class project in Network programming subject at faculty of science. this is a python code for simple HTTP server and its functions in dealing with the requests, i did different versions but all with pythons because it safes a lot of lines of code specially in network programming. you can implement your own with any language you want. the different versions in nothing big but all about using a built-in functions or implement all the functions needed. i hope you enjoy that. try with your own language and make it open source :)
read and process docx files using python
Class project in Computer Graphics course at faculty of science, Alex. univ. " this is a 2D house which is a small project on how to use the OpenGl and draw with it "
AppHosting is Continuse Integration System (CIS) created for Ibtikar Technologies in order to make the process of testing the app easy and in order to see versions of the apps and much more
Python script that performs both Encryption/ Decryption of a text message using AutoKey mechanism.
I'm trying to build a project based on my style when I read books.
This is a C# calculator which was a project in a subject about C# language. the calculator is simple in calculations it do summation, subtraction, multiplication, division for any number of digits and get the power two of any digit. creating a simple calculator seems easy but handling it was always the hard task. so i handled a lot of exceptions that may face you when creating a calculator, errors like " 3++4", "4/0" and enabling things like "31+45", " 3+4-2 ", " -2*6 " and things like that. I hope you enjoy that.
Simple function that checks the internet connection by sending request to Google server. If server is reachable, then it means that the internet is up and running.
Class project in Network programming subject at faculty of science. These are two Python codes that perform the CRC functions to send the message to another user and the second code check the incoming messages and verify it but it has no descriptions because it was a challenge in HackerRank website so i hope to understand. Finally I assume that you know what is the CRC algorithm.
Module that search for English digits in a string and replace it with Arabic digits
This is a Class project in Web development subject at Faculty of science. it is a basic implementation for a website for my faculty. It contains an exciting design that i created without using bootstrap or any helping tool --just html and css. So you can improve this work and add a lot of functionality to it. Enjoy
Class project in Multimedia subject.. Python script that performs compression and decompression of a text file using Huffman coding Algorithm.
Class project in Java course at Faculty of science, this is a small game in which you have three different pictures ( car, tank, road ) and your role is to move the car a long the way. if you touched the coming car you will lose and when you touch the tank picture your tank score will increase. Again this an alpha version, if you wanna update this you can put levels on it.
This my class project in Operating system subject at Faculty of science. it is a c program that using threads and shared memory to get the maximum of 100 elements by dividing them to 10 thread each one compute the max of 10 then collect the 10 max and find the max of them. I hope you enjoy that.
This function removes diacritics (tashkeel) from Arabic text and return a plain text.
Sphere game is my project on a subject called Computer graphics, the idea of it is you control a sphere and their are things fall in your way and you shouldn't touch these things if you wanna complete the level. ITS a very basic game you SHOULD add some functionality to it if you wanna make it real game.
This is a python script that take care of your health. the idea is very simple, this 5 lines code :"D alert you about your time by opening a song that you love every one hour or any time you specify. so enjoy your time and don't forget to take a break.
Convert AM/PM time to 24Hour time
A Udacity project with Python language that draw a sun-like figure with the Turtle class.
This is class project in web programming course, it is a Front-end face for a chatting system which contains some features like, profile picture, cover picture, biography, etc. You have to add your own implementation or improve this work.