
Desktop app for visualizing graph search algorithms

Primary LanguagePython


Desktop app for visualizing graph search algorithms

AI Graph Searh is a Desktop app allows user to build , edit, save , and open graphs . Also, You can visualize different searching algorithms on created graphs.

Implemented Search Algorithms

  • Uninformed Search

    • Breadth First Search
    • Depth First Search
    • Depth Limited Search
    • Iterative Depening Search
    • Uniform Cost Search
  • Informed Search

    • Gready Best First Search
    • A* Search


input graph gifvisualization gif

Setup on your enviroment

You can install .exe file

Download Instruction

Note: this version only works on windows
1.Go to https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pmlbaUzCgDLCxYWd-EjF6EUQj0gn4219/view?usp=sharing
2.Download and unzip file
3.Run GraphSearch.exe

You can setup the code

Setup Instruction

1.git pull https://github.com/Ahmed712441/AI-Graph-Search
2.pip install -r requirements.txt 
Note: on mac you need to install additional libraries for Tkinter to work with you.
3.Run main.py