Storefront Backend Project

How to setup and connect to the database:

  1. In the directory contains docker-compose.yml file run docker-compose up.

  2. After finishing compose, in terminal run: docker ps to show all of the docker containers that are running. Then, well find the CONTAINER_ID of the container we wish to enter and run docker exec -it CONTAINER_ID bash -l.

  3. To confirm psql is working, run the following commands in terminal:

su postgres
psql -h localhost -U full_stack_user full_stack_dev
psql -h localhost -U full_stack_user full_stack_test
  1. Create databases full_stack_dev, full_stack_test by the running the following commands inside postgres interactive terminal
CREATE DATABASE full_stack_dev;
CREATE DATABASE full_stack_test;
  1. create .env file contains the following data:




What ports the backend and database are running on:

Backend on port 3000 and database on port 5432.

Package installation instructions and running the project:

  1. Install dependencies by running:
npm install

Noting that db-migrate should be installed globally for running from command line.

  1. The command to run development server is:
npm run start-dev
  1. The command for testing is:
npm run test