Name: Ahmed Adel Ahmed


you can go to and run it

almost all bugs are solved now ...

Note: you can't choose unit phase with unit mag here because that doesn't make any sense for the purpose of the program


Starter Template for Magnitude Phase Mixer Task

i make the test function (mix) but i can't run the test file


image1: (0.3 real , 0.3 imaginary) , image2: (0.7 real , 0.7 imaginary) alt text

image1: (full mag , full Phase) , image2: (0 mag , 0 Phase) alt text

install opencv to run the test file

Implement the ImageModel in and its mix function

run --> python

assign a valid path for image1Path and image2Path

Now when you run testTask you should get the following line

AssertionError: This is not a numpy array, check the return value of your implemented mix function

when you implement the mix function correctly you should get the following 2 lines

Modes.magnitudeAndPhase passed successfully

Modes.realAndImaginary passed successfully

Do not forget to update the dep.txt file