
Repository pattern implementation on top of KnexJS and ObjectionJS

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

ObjectionJS Repository

ObjectionJS Repository is repository pattern implementation on top of KnexJS and ObjectionJS

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  1. Installation
  2. Usage
  3. API
    1. getOne
    2. getAll
    3. create
    4. createMany
    5. update
    6. delete
  4. Options
  5. Tests
  6. Support


$ npm i objectionjs-repository


// Define Interface
export interface IUser {
  id: number;
  age: number;
  name: string;

// Define Model
export default class User extends Model {
  static get tableName() {
    return TABLES.USER;

// Define Repository
import { BaseRepository } from 'objectionjs-repository';

export class UserRepository extends BaseRepository<IUser> {
  constructor(knexInstance: Knex) {
    super(User, knexInstance);

then you can use defined repository

   const userRepo = new UserRepository(knexInstance);
   const user = await userRepo.getOne({ age: 25 })


getOne(conditions, [options])

conditions is object contains any column in this table.
options is IFindingOptions.
return selected row or undefined

getAll(conditions, [options])

conditions is object contains any column in this table.
options is IFindingOptions.
return selected rows or empty array.

create(data, [options])

data to be inserted.
options is ICreationOptions.

createMany(data, [options])

array to be inserted.
options is ICreationOptions.

update(conditions, data, [options])

conditions is object contains any column in this table.
data to be updated.
options is IUpdatingOptions.

delete(conditions, [options])

conditions is object contains any column in this table.
options is IDeletionOptions.



IFindingOptions {
  // select specific columns
  select?: string[];
  // database Transaction
  trx?: Knex.Transaction;
  // lock selected rows or not
  forUpdate?: boolean;
  // select where column not in array
  whereNotIn?: {
    field: string;
    values: any;
  // select where column in array
  whereIn?: {
    field: string;
    values: any;
  // select where columns is null
  whereNull?: string[];
  // select where columns is not null
  whereNotNull?: string[];


ICreationOptions {
  // database Transaction
  trx?: Knex.Transaction;


IUpdatingOptions {
  // database Transaction
  trx?: Knex.Transaction;
  // select where column not in array
  whereNotIn?: {
    field: string;
    values: any;
  // select where column in array
  whereIn?: {
    field: string;
    values: any;

  // select where columns is null
  whereNull?: string[];
  // select where columns is not null
  whereNotNull?: string[];


IDeletionOptions {
  // database Transaction
  trx?: Knex.Transaction;
  // select where column not in array
  whereNotIn?: {
    field: string;
    values: any;
  // select where column in array
  whereIn?: {
    field: string;
    values: any;
  // select where columns is null
  whereNull?: string[];
  // select where columns is not null
  whereNotNull?: string[];


To run the test suite, first install the dependencies and rename .env.sample to .env and set connection url for postgres database in .env then run npm test:

$ npm install
$ npm test


Feel free to open issues on github.