- Demo
- The website allows users to create and modify recruitment forms, with fully customizable fields
- field type, options, if field is required and file size limit
- Company Banner image
- Confirmation email message
- email footer image
- Once the form is submitted:
- A folder and a spreadsheet in the user's google drive will be created with the title of the form
- Once the applicant applies using the form:
- The spreadsheet of the form gets appeneded with a new row
- A folder for the applicant is created inside the form folder with all uploaded files and a document containing all the applicant submitted information.
- An email is sent to the applicant to confirm the submission.
- An email is sent to the recruiter to notify him for a new job application with a link to the google drive folder of the applicant.
- You can allow certain users (admins) specified by their email addresses to view the number of users using the app and number of forms created for each user.
Setup a MongoDB (Demo uses mlab.com)
Create a google project using the developer console
Enable the
APIs -
Create OAuth Client ID and Service account key
Create a
in the project root directory with for the following keys:{ "SESSION_SECRET": "<somesecret>", "DATA_BACKEND": "mongodb", "MONGO_URL": "<someurl>", "OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID": "<client ID from the OAuth client ID page>", "OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET": "<client secret from the OAuth client secret page>", "OAUTH2_CALLBACK": "<domain u provided to google>/auth/google/callback", "ADMIN_EMAILS": ["<email1>","<email2>"] }
Download service account key name it
and place it in the project root directory.
npm install
npm install -g forever
forever production.json