Vi_Cheatsheet (Works for Vi && Vim)

Basic Usage

  1. To open a file/create a new file using vi:

    vi FILE_NAME.c
  2. To switch to EDIT MODE, press ESC.

  3. To switch to INSERT MODE, press i.

  4. To save a file, go to EDIT MODE and write:

  5. To save a file and exit, go to EDIT MODE and use either of these:

  6. To exit without making any changes, go to EDIT MODE and enter:

  7. To exit without saving, go to EDIT MODE and write:

  8. To display number lines, go to EDIT MODE and write:

    :set nu 

Movement Controls (All in EDIT MODE)

  1. Move left one character --> h.

  2. Move down one character --> j.

  3. Move up one character --> k.

  4. Move right one character --> l.

  5. Move forward one word --> w.

  6. Move to the start of the word --> b.

  7. Move to the end of the word --> e.

  8. Move back one sentence --> (.

  9. Move forward one sentence --> ).

  10. Move back one paragraph --> {.

  11. Move forward one paragraph --> }.

  12. Move to the beginning of the line --> ^.

  13. Move to the end of the line --> $.

  14. Move to the nth line --> <n>G.

  15. Move to the last line --> G.

  16. Move to the first line --> gg.

  17. Move to the matching bracket --> %.


  1. At the cursor --> i.

  2. After the cursor --> a.

  3. Before the current line --> I.

  4. After the current line --> A.

  5. Insert a new line after the current line --> o.

  6. Insert a new line before the current line --> O.

  7. Ovewrite the whold current line --> C.

  8. Exit Insert mode --> ESC.

Deleting Text Controls (All in EDIT MODE)

  1. Delete a single character --> x.

  2. Delete the rest of the line --> D.

  3. Delete the entire current line --> dd.

  4. Delete the next n words --> ndw.

  5. Delete the next n lines --> ndd.

  6. Delete from line x through to line y --> :x,yd.

Cut and Paste Controls (All in EDIT MODE)

  1. Paste the clipboard contents --> p.

  2. Yank (copy) a line --> yy.

  3. Yank a word --> yw.

  4. Yank to the end of the line --> y$.

Search Controls (All in EDIT MODE)

  1. Search for pattern --> /pattern.

  2. Find the next occurrence of pattern (after using the previous command) --> n.

  3. Replace every occurrence of "pattern" with "replace" --> :%s/pattern/replace/g.