
I used the shopping rest api that i created in my last project and with some modifications and some functionality added, i linked it to a front-end to create a shopping website

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Front-end developed using HTML/CSS/JS

REST API developed using Express.js and MongoDB


npm install && npm start

don't forget to add .env file containe the MONGO_URI, PORT, JWT_SECRET Variables.


  • Register new user / login to existing user
  • Authentication using JsonWebToken
  • Cart Management (Adding Product, Deleting Product, Modifying Product Information, Clearing Cart)
  • Product Management (Creating Product, Getting all existing products (for now))

Future Upgrades

  • Adding Admin Dashboard (He can add product to the shop, delete one, modify one)
  • Adding Paying methods


  • auth.js
  • cart.js
  • products.js
  • views.js