
How to use

  • Run main.py
  • Click the browse button and choose a photo
  • Wait until both images appear (original & exudates)

Flow of Functions Used

  • Browse: Browse an image to extract its exudates.
  • get_on_loc: Get the hand identified location of the optic nerve.
  • get_lesions: Display the image indicated by imgID with the lesions.
    • find_good_resolution_for_wavelet: Find the best resolution for the wavelet transform.
    • get_fov_mask: Construct Field of view mask for the eye.
    • get_median_filt: Perform morphological reconstruction for the median background then subtract the background from the image.
    • get_subtracted_img: Perform morphological reconstruction for the median background then subtract the background from the image.
      • get_reconstructed_bkg: Perform a reconstruction of the background.
    • kirsch_edges: detect edges using Kirsch operator.