Node.js Courses-Application API

Courses-Application API built using NodeJS & Express & MongoDB

Table of Contents


A RESTful API for building a full-featured Courses-Application. This API provides the backend functionality required for managing courses, users, orders, reviews, wishlist, addresses, coupons and more in an E-Commerce system.


  • User authentication and authorization.
  • Courses management (create, get course, get all courses, update, delete).
  • User management (register, login, get allUsers).
  • Error Handling.
  • protected routes.
  • security practices to protect the Api.

Technologies Used

  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • MongoDB
  • Mongoose
  • JWT
  • bcrypt
  • validator
  • Cors
  • express-rate-limit
  • xss-clean
  • helmet
  • morgan


You can fork the app or you can git-clone the app into your local machine. Once done that, please install all the dependencies by running

$ npm install
set your env variables
$ npm run start:dev