
Using this dictionary, implement a spell checker class that takes this dictionary as input, this class has three main operations: • Store this dictionary in a suitable data structure. • Take an input word and return the nearest 4 words if this word is not in the dictionary • Take an input word and add this word to the dictionary For each operation specify the time and space complexity Note: You could assume that the nearest 4 words from a word are the 2 words before and after this word in lexicographic order if they exist.

Why Binary tree:

1)Efficient Lookup: Bintrees provide fast lookup time for words in the dictionary. Since it uses binary search tree-based data structures, the time complexity for lookup (searching for a word) is O(log n) 2)Sorted Order: Bintrees naturally maintain words in sorted order, making it easy to find nearest words before and after a given word. 3)Memory Efficiency: Bintrees can be more memory-efficient compared to some other data structures like hash tables since they do not require a fixed-size array for storing elements