To test the project, first clone it with the following command:
git clone
For the backend part, install node_modules
and create a .env
file that contains DATABASE_URL the database link and TOKEY_KEY by executing the following commands in the git bash:
cd backend/
npm i
touch .env
Then fill the .env
file with the following code:
TOKEN_KEY = "the-secret-key"
After that, make the database migration with the following command:
npx prisma migrate dev
And run seeders
to fill the database for testing:
node seeds/seed
Then run the project with the following command:
npm start
If port 3000
is already in use, you need to change it in /bin/www
to a different port
In another shell terminal, access the frontend and install node_modules
then run the project with the following command:
cd frontend/
npm i
ng serve
And navigate to http://localhost:4200/
to see the project.