Guidelines To Run Project

Install dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

if you want to extract the cold and hinge features you need to:

  • create folders Female and put inside the cmp Females pics
  • create folders Males and put inside the cmp Males pics
  • create folders icdarTrainImages and put inside the icdar train pics
  • put the pic directly not inisde another folder


To Run Tunning & predict module

python .\2.Cold_Hinge_Approach\

To Run predict module

  • First set ENV argument (TESTDIR) & (OUTDIR)

if you use CMD

for example:

set TESTDIR=E:\CMP\NN\project\Project Submission\test
set OUTDIR=E:\CMP\NN\project\Project Submission\out

if you use Powershell

$env:TESTDIR='E:\CMP\NN\project\Project Submission\test'
$env:OUTDIR='E:\CMP\NN\project\Project Submission\out'

Then rum predict module
