
E-Commerce API that provides a set of features to support the functionalities of an online shopping platform

Primary LanguageJavaScript

E-Commerce API


This E-Commerce API developed using JavaScript, Node.js, Express.js, SQL, PostgreSQL, and the pg library. It provides a set of features to support the functionalities of an online shopping platform. The key functionalities of the API include:

Authentication and Authorization:

- User registration and login: Token-based authentication for secure access to protected routes. Role-based authorization to control user privileges.

- Reset Passwords: Password reset functionality by sending reset codes to the user's email.

- Subcategories and Brands Operations: Creation, retrieval, update, and deletion of product subcategories. Management of product brands with CRUD operations.

- Products Operations: Full product management, including creation, retrieval, update, and deletion. Support for image uploads and association with products.

- Reviews Operations: Adding, retrieving, and managing product reviews. User ratings and comments for products.

- Wishlist Operations: Adding and removing products from the user's wishlist. Retrieving the wishlist for a logged user.

- Coupons and Shopping Cart: Creation and application of coupons for discounts. Shopping cart functionality to add, remove, and manage items.

- Cash and Online Orders: Handling of both cash-on-delivery and online payment orders. Order creation and status tracking.

- Online Payments: Integration with online payment gateways (stripe) for secure transactions.

Tools Used

The E-Commerce API is built using the following technologies and libraries:

JavaScript: The primary programming language used for server-side logic.

Node.js: A runtime that allows the execution of JavaScript on the server.

Express.js: A web application framework for Node.js, simplifying the development of robust APIs.

SQL: The standard language for interacting with relational databases.

PostgreSQL: A powerful open-source relational database management system.

pg Library: A PostgreSQL client for Node.js, used for database connectivity.

Development Environment

Node.js Version: 20

PostgreSQL Version:16

Getting Started

To set up and run the E-Commerce API locally, follow these steps:

1- Clone the Repository:

git clone https://github.com/AhmedMabrouk22/E-Commerce-API.git
cd E-Commerce-API

2- Install Dependencies:

npm install

3- Set .env file:






4- Configure Database:

  • Create a PostgreSQL database
  • Run database.sql commands in the database

5: Start Server:

npm start