
Simple e-commerce platform with categories and favorites list implementation in ruby on rails.

Primary LanguageCSS


Simple e-commerce platform with categories and favorites list developed using Ruby on Rails.


User login and sign up.

Adding favorites products to your favorites list.

Modern, simple and responsive Bootstrap UI.

Postgresql DB

Simple unit testing with rspec.

Only admin can delete products or categories

Implementing categories:

created a scaffold for Category and Product and Category_id column in the Product model acts a foreign key between Product and Category. After created two models, defined the relationship between them. also new Products are include what category they belongs to.

Implementing favorites:

Added new scaffold called favorite that belongs to Product by product_id column. To add any product to your favorites list first login then just click on the favorite icon on the right-top of any products, thats it now this product in your favroites list. to remove the product just click on it again or remove it from the favorites list page.