
This repository contains test report for the Academy LMS (WordPress Plugin) by Kodezen. This document provides a comprehensive overview of the testing process, test metrics, Test Cases, and Bug Reports related to the plugin.

Academy LMS (WordPress Plugin) Test Report

Welcome to the Test Report for the Academy LMS (WordPress Plugin) by Kodezen. This document provides a comprehensive overview of the testing process, test metrics, Test Cases, and Bug Reports related to the plugin.

Table of Contents


Academy LMS, is a next-generation, fastest WordPress LMS plugin, that will improve your online learning experience. It has seamless integration with any WordPress site allowing you to easily create and sell engaging online courses. With a user-friendly interface and lightning-fast performance, you can transform your website into a professional e-learning platform in no time. https://wordpress.org/plugins/academy/

Features Tested

I have thoroughly tested the following modules of the WordPress plugin:

  1. User Sign In

    • Ensure different roles users log in.
    • Verify login confirmation process.
  2. Instructor Registration

    • Confirm users can be registered with valid credentials.
    • Verify registered users need admin approval.
    • Ensures new users can't register with registered email & usernames.
  3. Student Registration

    • Confirm users can be registered with valid credentials.
    • Ensures new users can't register with registered email & usernames.
  4. Academy LMS Admin Panel

    • Test various features of the Academy LMS Admin Panel
    • Test woo commerce integration
    • Test with various themes plugins

Test Metrics

During the testing process, we collected the following metrics to evaluate the quality of the User Management Module:

  • Percentage of Test Case Executed: 100%
  • Test Cases Executed: 13 out of (*not defined yet)
  • Pass Percentage: 30.76%
  • Fail Percentage: 69.23%
  • Percentage of Test Case Blocked: 0%
  • Bug Severity Distribution: (See Bug Report Section)

Test Cases

We have designed and executed a set of test cases to validate the functionality of the User Management Module. Here are some representative test cases:

(Section To Be Continued)

For a complete list of test cases, please refer to the Test Case Documentation.

SQA Mind Map

SQA Mind Map

(Section To Be Continued)

Bug Report

I have discovered and documented several bugs during our testing phase. Here is a summary:

Bug ID Description Screenshot / Screen Record
BUG-001 The Click option doesn't work on hovering over the Navigation Bar. Bug_1
BUG-002 Navigation Bar alignment breaks on Dashboard Page. Bug_2
BUG-003 Invalid ration of Admin Commision Percentage & Instructor Commision Percentage, Sum of the percentage exeeds 100%. Bug_3
BUG-004 Invalid condition for Fee Deduction Amount & Fee Deduction Type. Fees Deduction Type can't be Percentage when Fee Deduction Amount is set to more than 100. Bug_4
BUG-005 Necessary fields in the Instructor Registration & Student Registration are not properly validated Bug_5
BUG-006 Instructor Registration & Student Registration are not showing a proper message for a already registered user. Bug_6

For more details about each bug, please refer to the complete Bug Report.

This Test Report provides an overview of our testing process, test cases, and the status of the Sign In / Login, Student Registration, Instructor Registration, and Academy LMS Admin Panel Module. Feel free to reach out for any questions or clarifications.

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