Simple Shop API

This is a sample Shop API documentation.

The API is available at

Table of Contents


Base URL


Returns the status of the API.

Create a Product

POST /products

Allows you to create a new product. Requires authentication.

The request body needs to be in JSON format and include the following properties:

  • productId - Integer - Required *
  • Product Name - String - Required *


POST /orders/
Authorization: Bearer <YOUR TOKEN>

  "bookId": 1,
  "customerName": "John"

The response body will contain the order Id.

List of Products

GET /products

Returns a list of products.

Optional query parameters:

  • type: fiction or non-fiction
  • limit: a number between 1 and 20.

Get a single Product

GET /products/:productId

Retrieve detailed information about a product.

Update a Product

PUT /products/:productId

Update an existing product. Requires authentication.

The request body needs to be in JSON format and allows you to update the following properties:

  • customerName - String


PATCH /orders/PF6MflPDcuhWobZcgmJy5
Authorization: Bearer <YOUR TOKEN>

  "customerName": "John"

Delete a Product

DELETE /Products/:productId

Delete an existing product. Requires authentication.

The request body needs to be empty.


DELETE /orders/PF6MflPDcuhWobZcgmJy5
Authorization: Bearer <YOUR TOKEN>

Get all orders

GET /orders

Allows you to view all orders. Requires authentication.

Get an order

GET /orders/:orderId

Allows you to view an existing order. Requires authentication.

API Authentication


To create or view a product, you need to register your API client.

POST /register/

The request body needs to be in x-www-form-urlencoded or JSON format and include the following properties:

  • name - String
  • email - String
  • password - String
  • password_confirmation - String

Example Request

 "name": "Your Name",
 "email": "",
 "password": "password",
 "password_confirmation": "password"


   "status": "Request succesful",
   "message": null,
   "data": {
       "user": {
           "name": "Your Name",
           "email": "",
           "updated_at": "2023-09-16T21:00:39.000000Z",
           "created_at": "2023-09-16T21:00:39.000000Z",
           "id": 2
       "token": "WK2hKihNb5ui3zJyWXNLMgbYK75cSKFEIRUsp0wfc0943af5"

The response body will contain the access token. The access token is valid for 30 days.


If you are a registered client, you need to login to create or view a product.

POST /login/

The request body needs to be in form-data format and include the following properties:

  • email - String
  • password - String


   "status": "Request succesful",
   "message": null,
   "data": {
       "user": {
           "id": 1,
           "name": "your name",
           "email": "",
           "email_verified_at": null,
           "created_at": "2023-08-31T15:29:54.000000Z",
           "updated_at": "2023-08-31T15:29:54.000000Z"
       "token": "mxZrR8gSMB7XZYqMYCnV07PdVqnuQsVoKarCG5v5ef1c0edc"

Possible errors

Status code 409 - "API client already registered." Try changing the values for clientEmail and clientName to something else.