
In this Project I have explained some points from scratch:

  1. How to call API Service in a native way without using any framework or Pod using Codable & URLSession, you can check it in the video below:

Github Project API Service using Codable + URLSession - Swift

  1. Creating the Design for everything in the project to be able to use it, you can check it in the video below:

Github Project Initial App Design and View API Data - Swift

  1. API Pagination is one of the most important things in any requested task from any company so the below video will explain how to create and use pagination without having page parameter in API Call:

Pagination without having page parameter in API Call - Swift

  1. Sometimes you need to do everything in a native way or It will be requested from you in a task so that's why I've explained how to download an image from URL without Pods or Frameworks:

Download Image from URL without Pods or Frameworks Swift

  1. While working on storybaords you may face some lag and slowness in the app so to avoid that you can use Xibs or Nibs Files instead which will help you to navigate easily in the app and this is what I have explained in this video:

From Storyboard to Nibs (Xibs) Swift

  1. Sometimes you got some confusion about the difference from Design Patterns and Design Architecture so I have explained the difference between them and also why shall we use MVP over MVC and How to refactor MVC into MVP:

iOS Design Architecture (Pattern) - From MVC to MVP Swift

  1. Testing is one the most important topics nowadays and we shall put it in consideration to be able to get better performance and deduct some time also that's why I've picked the API Service Function to test it together in the below video but note that you need to watch the video in the description first to be able to watch the below one:

Implement Unit Testing on API Service in Github Project