
Have AI write your git commit messages for you so you never have to waste time writing commits again.

Primary LanguageRuby

AI Commit

AI Commits

AI add git changes and writes your git commit messages for you. Never write a commit message again.


What you need to start using AI Commits:

1. OpenAI gem:

  • add gem ruby-openai to your Gemfile and run bundle install to install the gem.

2. OpenAI API Key:

  • Grab your API key from OpenAI.

3. Rails credentials: Add your keys to Rails credentials. To do this, run the following command in your terminal:

EDITOR="code --wait" rails credentials:edit

This opens up the credentials.yml file in VS Code. Once credentials file is open add the following:

  access_token: sk-youropenaicredentialsapikey

After you added credentials, save and close the file.

4. colorize gem - optional

  • Add gem colorize to your Gemfile and run bundle install to install the gem. This gem is used to colorize the output of the rake task.

  • Run gem install colorize to install the gem.

  • We ensure the gem is working by adding require 'colorize' to our Script.

You can remove this gem if you don't want to colorize the output. If you remove the gem, you will also need to remove the require 'colorize' line from the rake task file.

5. Openai Service:

module OpenaiService
  def self.generate_response(prompt, temperature, model_engine, max_tokens, freq_pen=0.0, pres_pen=0.0)
    access_token = Rails.application.credentials.dig(:openai, :access_token)
    client = OpenAI::Client.new(access_token: access_token)

    response = client.completions(
      parameters: {
        prompt: prompt,
        temperature: temperature,
        model: model_engine,
        max_tokens: max_tokens,
        frequency_penalty: freq_pen,
        presence_penalty: pres_pen
    response  # Return the entire response, not just the text
  • This service is responsible for making the API call to OpenAI and returning the generated text. You can change the parameters to your liking. For more information on the parameters, check out the OpenAI API Docs.

6. aicommit rake task:

  • This file is located in lib/tasks/aicommit.rake and contains all the logic for generating the commit message. Notice that I'm using the latest OpenAI model engine gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct. You would need to have a "Plus" plan.

KI've added some comments to the code to help you understand what's going on. Feel free to change the code to your liking. For more information on the parameters, check out the OpenAI API Docs.

⚠️ Warning:

  • OpenAI will throw a deprecation error {"warning"=>"This model version is deprecated. Migrate before January 4, 2024 to avoid disruption of service. "model"=>"text-davinci-003"...} Failed to generate a commit message. Please try again. learn more. If you are using an older model engine, you can change the model engine. For more information on the model engines, check out the OpenAI Models docs.

7. Using the rake task:

  • To use the rake task, run the following command in your terminal:
rake git:commit
  • This will run the rake task and check if there are any changes in your git repo. If there are changes, it will add the changes and generate a commit message for you. You will be prompted to confirm the commit message before it is committed. Check image above for example 👆🏼

Future Plans

  • More specific commit messages, we might need to further refine the logic that extracts the summary of changes from the git diff. The current logic only looks for "create mode" and "delete mode" to determine added or removed files, but it doesn't capture content-based changes within files.

  • We might consider extracting method or class names that have been added or removed. I think it would require more parsing of the git diff output, possibly using regular expressions or even a parser for the specific programming language you're working with.

  • Add some Rails minitest tests to make sure the rake task is working as expected.



The repo is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.
